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PBI offers hands-on support for small to mid-size businesses in a broad spectrum of industries ... from start-ups to turn-around's ... solving complex problems or helping you capitalize on important opportunities ... from essential business improvements to industry leadership and global competitiveness!

Business Impro​vement

We're not a big arrogant consulting company that merely recommends changes or  improvements, we're "hands-on business advisors" who roll up our sleeves and work along side your staff to make certain that strategies are thoroughly implemented and extremely effective.​​


"I want to defeat the epidemic of small business failures in the US!"

Thom Stimpel   

90% of the GDP is driven by companies with fewer than 50 employees, yet 97% of small businesses fail within their first 5 years.  My book, "The Entrepreneurial Mindset" and my podcast series "Flawless Launch" outline the research, planning, activities, and attitude needed to succeed at a high level.

Executive Forums

Working with the leadership inside companies of any size, we develop and facilitate Peer Review Boards consisting of thought leaders who meet monthly to share their ideas, challenges and specialized expertise, with the goal of helping every member of their Roundtable thrive!

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